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Woodland Creation

As winter sets in again we have started fencing out areas intended for woodland creation. We have 3 areas to do this winter that will...

Ewe Lamb Selection

One of the most enjoyable jobs of the year is selecting our female replacements. The tough job of selecting animals on a mixture of...

Kimbolton Ace of Clubs

Delighted to have purchased a 50% share in this exceptional ram lamb. An index of 506.95 combined with functional head and shoulders for...

Thank You

Our sale season has been a short one this year with all stock being sold from home by mid August. It was excellent to welcome customers...

Incheoch Workforce

Another exciting addition to the stock ram line up. Sired by Beeford V Day who has the highest maternal ability index in the Texel breed...

New Arrivals

This summer we’ve seen some new arrivals to the Texel flock. Four ewes have been purchased privately from the renowned Kimbolton flock ....

Name Change

We’ve made the decision not to continue marketing our rams under the Forage Master Rams name. Marketing will now be done under our farm...

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